Go ahead...ask us.
If we can't help you out here, don't hesitate in contacting us by phone at (204) 453-115 or by email. We promise to take the time to answer your questions thoroughly.
- Are all builders in Manitoba registered with the Program?
- What do I receive as proof of warranty coverage, and when does it begin?
- What types of homes are covered?
- What about those builders who offer their own warranty?
- Is my sidewalk or driveway covered?
- Why is there is excessive moisture on and around my windows?
- Cracks and/or nail pops are appearing in my walls. Is this covered?
- Can I do the warranty repairs myself and get reimbursed?
- What do I need to do to transfer my warranty when I sell my house?
- How do I submit a warranty claim?
Q. Are all builders in Manitoba registered with the Program?
A. No, membership is strictly voluntary and not all new home builders qualify to become members of the Program.
Q. What do I receive as proof of warranty coverage, and when does it begin?
A. At the time of possession you and your Registered Builder will inspect the home and complete a Possession Certificate supplied by the Program in order to identify any incomplete or seasonal work that remains outstanding. This document establishes the date of commencement of warranty coverage.
Q. What types of homes are covered?
A. The Program covers new homes built on site with permanent foundations and new ready-to-move home (RTM's) moved onto a permanent foundations. These new homes must have been built for sale or under contract by a Registered Builder member of the Program. This includes single detached homes, semi-detached homes, row housing, duplexes, and condominium units located within buildings up to 3 stories in height (that do not contain underground parking or commercial use space). Homes not eligible for coverage are renovated homes or additions, recreational homes, and mobile homes.
Q. What about those builders who offer their own warranty?
A. A Builder's own warranty is only as good as the level of service the company wishes to provide or for so as long as the company remains in business. A 3rd party warranty (such as ours) provides protection even if the builder is no longer available (or willing) to complete required warranty repairs. If your builder goes bankrupt, your home warranty remains in place.
Q. Is my sidewalk or driveway covered?
A. No, driveways and sidewalks are not covered. Refer to section 1 of your Warranty for exclusions: "any pool, parking facility, common recreational area, site grading and surface drainage, landscaping, shrubbery, flowers, trees, patios, driveways, garage slabs or carport slabs, sidewalks, retaining walls, septic tanks or fields, detached garages or detached carports, or outbuildings."
Q. Why is there is excessive moisture on and around my windows?
A. Moisture accumulates around windows as a result of excessive humidity in your home. This often occurs in the winter when the outside air is so much cooler than indoors. Ventilation is the most effective means to remove this moisture. By exchanging some of the drier outdoor winter air for warm humid interior air, the moisture level will be reduced. For more information on window condensation and humidity, and how to control it, read our Guide to the Care and Maintenance of Your New Home.
Q. Cracks and/or nail pops are appearing in my walls. Is this covered?
A. As mentioned in clause 3.d of your warranty certificate, normal drywall cracking is not covered. If the interior walls or ceilings of your house are finished with "dry wall" (gypsum wallboard) cracks may appear over doors, windows and archways due to the shrinkage of wood members (behind the drywall) used to span these openings. Such cracking is usually minor and rarely serious. This is considered a maintenance item to be repaired by the homeowner. Shrinkage cracks and "nail pops" can be repaired with matching compounds available at hardware stores or retail building supply houses.
Q. Can I do the warranty repairs myself and get reimbursed?
A. Warranty repairs are to be completed by the Builder or the Program (in the abscence of the builder) only. We cannot refund you for repairs you have done on your own.
Q. What do I need to do to transfer my warranty when I sell my house?
A. Warranty remains on your home for the entire coverage period from the original Date of Possession regardless of the number of times the home is sold. There is no paperwork to submit to transfer your warranty. However, we do recommend that you provide the buyers with a copy of your possession certificate, or at minimum the Enrollment Number (top right hand corner of the certificate).
Q. How to I submit a warranty claim?
A claim must be submitted in writing. This can be done via email, regular mail, fax, or by using our online claim form. Visit Making a Claim for more information.